Teachers are rarely at a loss for words, but sometimes things happen to us that leave us without the right word to explain the situation. Well, worry no longer! On the heels of our first list of 20 vocabulary words only teachers will understand… here’s ANOTHER list of 20 words you might have always wanted to use but never knew existed.
1. Caffei-nothing

When no matter how much coffee you drink, your energy level remains at zero.
2. Curswallow

When your class makes you so mad you want to curse, but you can’t because you’re a teacher.
3. Name-nesia

When a student continuously forgets to put their name on their paper
4. School-a-titis

The emotional and sometimes physical pain teachers feel when it’s time to go back the weekend or break.
5. Attendiscard

When despite the best of intentions, you forget to take attendance… again.
6. Retire-mess

When teachers start planning for retirement, but realize their pensions are so small they’ll never be able to.
7. Lamin-terror

The fear that your laminator could break down right when you need it the most.
8. Field Dayache

The aftereffects of running around with your class during field day.
9. Arch-email-ology

The practice of sifting through thousands of emails to find that one link that administration sent during the first week of school with the information that you now need.
10. Lead-linelation

The inescapable joy students feel when they become the line leader.
11. Parentalocation

The inability to get a hold of parents when attempting to schedule a parent-teacher conference.
Also Read: 20 Vocabulary Words That Only Make Sense to Teachers
12. Infuri-adorable

That one child in your class that is an absolute handful on certain days, yet the most amazingly sweet child on other days.
13. PD (Professional Demotivation)

When a presenter gives a teacher training by reading off a bunch of PowerPoint slides.
14. Adult Conversaturation

When you finally get to have a conversation with another adult and you unload 2 weeks of topics on them in 10 minutes.
15. Psuedo-scribble

When teachers doodle in their planners during staff meetings so it looks like they’re taking notes.
16. Task-break

When you send your “high-energy” student on an errand so he can burn off energy and you can get a bit of a break.
17. Anachro-quism

When the writers of the quiz include outdated references that students don’t get, so you spend 10 minutes having to explain it.
18. Proto-teacher

That one student that tells everyone to be quiet before you even have to, and you can just tell one day they’re going to make a great teacher.
19. Line-itism

An affliction that many students seem to be born with that renders them completely unable to stand in a straight line.
20. Volun-told-ism

When administration “asks nicely” for teachers to stay after school and help out, and technically you don’t have to, but you know you kind of do.