Teachers are used to writing down mile long to-do lists that never seem to stop growing. Here are twenty notepads that’ll make your to-do lists a little more tolerable.
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1. A six pack of magnetic (!) notepads.

Get it HERE.
Stick these to your whiteboard or mini-fridge and bask in their summer vibes.
2. A notepad that understands just how hard adulting is.

Get it HERE.
This notepad just seems to get how difficult it is to be the person in charge of many tiny humans. It will help you keep all of them alive on a daily basis!
3. Scratch-off holographic notepads to add some fun to your reminders.

Get it HERE.
These small squares will help you NEVER forget that staff meeting you are always late to.
4. NSFW Notepads that express how you really feel.

Get them HERE.
These colorful pads will give you a chuckle every time you tear a page off one of them.
5. A notepad that helps you prioritize what to do right this moment.

Get it HERE.
When things get overwhelming, use this notepad to help you decide what must be done immediately and what can wait until tomorrow.
6. A notepad that lets you customize the layout.

Get it HERE.
There are so many choices with this notepad! Choose from several layouts and styles to help you get your personal and professional life organized.
7. A simple, yet elegant design that gets the job done.

Get it HERE.
If you are a no-frills type of person, this notepad is for you!
8. This daily task planner where you can write more than just a list.

Get it HERE.
Do you need to remember appointments or meetings throughout your day? Do you want a place to keep track of your meals and the things you are grateful for? Then this gorgeous floral notepad is for you!
9. A weekly overview notepad to track important things during the week.

Get it HERE.
Are you someone who prefers to see the week’s layout? This notepad lets you write down big-ticket items AND your to-do list.
10. Teacher Notes

Get it HERE.
11. Colorful booklets to host all of your thoughts.

Get it HERE.
Do you prefer having all of your ideas in one place? This set of five allows you to log everything you want in a small and convenient place.
12. A bound book with a customizable cover to suit your needs.

Get it HERE.
Pick from 19 different designs for your notepad ranging from inspirational quotes to adorable pictures. The options are endless!
13. A notepad that not very subtly reminds you to “get your shit together”.

Get it HERE.
With three categories (easy shit, tough shit, and oh, shit), you’ve got all of your bases covered. Just, maybe, make sure a student doesn’t walk by your desk when you have this bad boy out.
14. Notepads with sayings that describe your life.

Get it HERE.
“I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m not even trying anymore.” These notepads will just get you on a spiritual level, if you know what I mean.
15. Teacher’s Notes

Get it HERE.
16. Notepads trios featuring adorable woodland creatures.

Get it HERE.
Choose from a variety of adorable, festive designs to get not one, not two, but THREE notepads for all of your many thoughts.
17. A notebook that comes with necessary extras.

Get it HERE.
Each spiral bound book comes with 200 sheets of lined paper, pens, and sticky notes.
18. A dry-erase notepad that will basically blow your mind.

Get it HERE.
Rocketbook comes with a special pen and a cloth so you can re-use the pages again and again. With this one, you get so much bang for your buck.
19. A personalized teacher notepad set.

Get it HERE.
Have your name printed on these cute notepads that come in a variety of sizes.
20. A simple notepad that keeps track of appointments, your health, gratitude, and your water intake all in one place!

Get it HERE.
Like the notepad says, “You’ve got this!”. Knock your personal and your professional life out of the park with this simple organizer.
21. THIS notebook.

Get it HERE.
Don’t wait until a parent gifts this to you! Buy one for yourself so you can keep track of all of your to-do lists in one place.
22. High Five Notepad

Get it HERE.
23. A classic that will never go out of style.

Get it HERE.
Skip the frills and go with a sturdy classic. This moleskin journal will last you all year long, and you can easily reference past notes if need be.
24. Another Bloom favorite

25. NOPE, not today

Get it HERE.