Mind blown gif_parents blew teachers' minds

When teachers were asked to tell us their most ridiculous stories about dealing with difficult parents, these were their responses. Enjoy! Tell us your most astonishing parent-teacher meeting stories, to be featured in a future blog!

1.Parent: Why were you gone so long? Me: My father passed away my mom needed my help. Parent: yeah but six days? Me: It's an 8 hour drive one way to get to their home.


3.She wanted to bring her Halloween candy to school, and I didn't know what to do, so I figured you'd handle it.

4.After being called every horrible name and curse word in the book, a parent said




8.One parent sent me a message asking if I thought we would have a snow day the next day. Um? Now I have to be Mother Nature on top of everything else?

9.I once had a parent suggest I get a stripper pole installed to get his son's attention.

10. I had a parent call my principal to report me because she left a voicemail on my classroom phone at 8:30 pm and I didn't call back that night.

11.High school students parent. My son had a hard time getting up in the morning I don't think you should mark him tardy. Parent also filed a complaint with the principal. Principal was laughing when he told me and tossed it in the trash.

12.I had a parent complain for months that my Kindergarten wasn't challenging her child enough and that it should be more academic.


14.Parent said

15.My teaching partner and I had grandmother, who was mad at us, tell us she was just going to pray for us. I told her

16.Thought one of my students was sort of troublesome on occasions. I met his family and I became so impressed by his ability to function on any level.

17.Had a mom yell at me because I didn't tell her son

18.I would like to add

19.Parent: You need to give students candy so they'll be motivated to learn.

20.I had a parent threaten to kill me because I made her son clean up the paint he spilled on the floor in art class.

21.I had an extremely difficult parent tell the director about me


23.After having a student call their parent in class because of his refusal to give me his cell phone or complete his work, his mother insisted that I apologize to her son in front of the entire class.



Do you have some mind-blowing stories about dealing with your students’ parents, too? Let us know in the comments!