There are certain things all teachers experience, some common struggles we all share. Here are a few haiku that perfectly sum up what teachers go through on a daily basis.
1. The calm before the storm

Mornings are quiet
Then suddenly the bell rings
Here we go again
2. Waiting to pee

My bladder is full
I am going to explode
Three hours to go
3. The pencil conundrum

The pencil jar sits
Empty upon my table
Where are the pencils?
4. A teacher’s vicious cycle

My desk is a mess
Covered in ungraded work
Bye-bye my weekend
5. A weekly dilemma

It’s almost Friday
The excitement is building
Wait! It’s still Tuesday?
6. The never-ending meeting

The staff meeting drags
Powerpoint slides make me sleep
Stop asking questions
7. Decorations for days

Pinterest amazes
So many clever ideas
To deck out my room
8. Teacher pay sucks

Alas, my paycheck
This is why I need two jobs
Why I am tired
9. The necessary evil of professional development

Teacher duty days
The training seems to drag on
When will this day end?
10. The full moon blues

The full moon rises
The students have lost their minds
Please let this pass soon
11. A hopeful teacher approaches the weekend

The weekend is here
It’s time to rest and relax
Except for grading
12. When it’s time to lay down the law

The noise increases
Students are running amok
It’s “Teacher Voice” time
13. Art projects sound like a good idea at first

“Let’s do a project!”
Crayons and scissors and glue
The mess is insane
14. Administration ruins great lessons

Things are going well
Kids are engaged and listening
Here comes the fire drill
15. The ultimate threat

No one seems to care
What I say until I say
“I’m calling your mom”
16. Sooner or later…

Oh, there is joy in
Parent-Teacher conferences
The truth will come out
17. Distractions upon distractions

I wish I had time
To teach my lesson, oh wait
The phone rings again
18. The technological age is upon us!

Technology rocks
It helps us reach our students
If it ever works
19. Yes, I’m grading this assignment

The ‘extra’ credit
Is only for those who do
The other work first
20. It’s like magic

The quarter closes
Suddenly, my students care
Sadly it’s too late
21. Vacation time

Vacation is here
Finally a chance to rest
Why are they so short?
22. The bathvalanche begins

A student will ask
“May I please use the restroom?”
Then they all will ask
23. Asking the bare minimum

I ask my students
Please read these three paragraphs
Chaos will ensue
24. That ever-elusive time to plan

Planning periods
They should be used for planning
But they never are
25. Silly questions from students

“Is this for a grade?”
“Do we have to show our work?”
Are you kidding me?
26. Who are these tests testing?

It’s testing season
But why is it that teachers
Worry more than kids?
27. The Copy Machine

Need copies for class
No toner and paper jam
28. Don’t Get Sick

Flu season is here
I’m dying in my classroom
Sub plans are the worst
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