Award-winning, critically acclaimed cartoon artist Dan Piraro, who describes himself as: “If Salvador Dali, Garry Trudeau, and Oscar Wilde had an illegitimate child,” has nailed it with these 40 teacher-related comics that we can all sit back and laugh at. Check out his awesome site and shop for more relatable comics.

1. My favorite student… to have absent

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2. Admin expectations

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3. Real talk…

Before smartphones people did not walk around gazing into mirrors and shouting our their every thought and activity
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4. Dark truth

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5. Language of a Text Message

These new textbooks should help - Provided by

6. Relativity…

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7. Good guess

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8. If only teachers could be this honest…

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9. PG-13

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10. Things just got real.

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11. Lesson plan of the future…

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12. What makes you say that?

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13. Snowman humor

Kids and teachers are snowmen Provided by

14. Once upon a time…

Student in library Provided by

15. One passionate history teacher…

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16. Smart aleck

You said Provided by

17. Classroom management…

Teacher showing leaking brain on her chair Provided by

18. T-bonics

Student: If Provided by

19. Bullying policy

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20. Full of baloney!

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21. Even beauty school teachers are strict

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22. That’s a new one…

Student: Provided by

23. School ever since 9/11…

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24. Creepy…

Student offering apple on a beheaded headProvided by | Bizarro Shop

26. Bad dog…

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27. Pessimism 101

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28. Helicopter teaching

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29. Caught red-handed

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30. Criminal acts…

Police man bringing kid peanut to his dad peanut Provided by

31. Teacher-parents…

Man in street with sign Provided by

32. Meanwhile, down in Florida…

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33. English teachers will appreciate this one…

msn and woman at a bar Man:Provided by

34. And this one…

customers ordering at restaurant: Provided by

35. And this one…

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36. And this one!

Conjugal visit Woman to prisoner: Provided by

37. Education is important.

At church priest during wedding Provided by

38. Meeting “that” kid’s parents.

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