Let me share a story that might sound familiar. I had a first-grade student whom we will call Joey. Some days (most days), it felt like Joey was on a mission to test my patience—pressing my buttons more than a well-used keyboard. He was blatantly defiant and constantly said no to me. The struggle was real.

Of course, the dreaded conference with Mom happened sooner rather than later. I started by highlighting Joseph’s positive aspects of understanding geometrical shapes and then got straight to business. “Joey continually interrupts me while teaching,” I informed her. “He talks nonstop and frequently puts his hands on others.” This is the watered-down cliff note version of what actually occurred daily in the classroom.

Without missing a beat, the mom simply smiled and said, “Honestly, I think he is acting out because he is so bored in your class. He knows most of what you teach him and was great in kindergarten.”

I am not going to lie — it felt like a gut punch. This was the beginning of my teaching career, and I was honestly so taken aback that I was speechless.

So, Ma’am, I have now found the necessary words.

We hear this a lot from parents. And it sure seems like some of you wear that boredom label like a badge of honor. Your child is so brilliant that nothing we do in class is of any value, which drives them to interrupt, bother other students, and throw tantrums constantly. But guess what?

Boredom does not justify disruptive behavior.

Let’s be crystal clear here: Feeling bored does not give any child the right to disrupt others, be disrespectful, or ignore classroom expectations. Learning how to handle boredom is a critical life skill that must be taught at home. Encouraging students to believe that their misbehavior is due to boredom in class harms their emotional growth and development.

As adults, we may be genuinely bored sitting through staff meetings that don’t pertain to us, but we don’t shout out or continually interrupt the speaker. (Well, at least most of us don’t.)

Gifted students are not bored.

The advanced students I have had tend to find ways to challenge themselves through asking probing questions, thinking deeply about topics, writing imaginatively, and taking assignments one step further. They love learning and actively seek it out.

True giftedness is not about needing constant entertainment but about having an innate curiosity and a drive to explore subjects in depth.

Students who are advanced in early grades but find school boring tend to underperform later. They don’t develop the work habits and perseverance needed to be successful.

Boredom is a choice.

Despite our best efforts to differentiate instruction, we often second-guess whether we’re doing enough. We start questioning our worth as teachers, but let me be clear: Boredom is not a teacher’s failure; it’s a student’s opportunity to develop patience, creativity, and self-motivation.

Children need to understand that the world isn’t here to amuse them. Sometimes, tasks may be tedious, but they are necessary for growth. Technology and explosive graphics have made it difficult for teachers to compete with the overstimulation many children experience at home. Instant gratification from video games and virtual reality can make it harder for students to process in-person learning.

Parents, you need to teach your children that boredom is a choice—and they are the only ones who can fix it.

We are in this together.

Being bored is a tired excuse that parents should never use to justify their child’s bad behavior in the classroom. Teachers work tirelessly to create engaging lessons, differentiate instruction, and meet the needs of diverse learners. But no teacher, no matter how skilled, can make every moment exciting for every student. The truth is, that learning—like life—requires patience, effort, and self-discipline.

This is not to say that teachers shouldn’t strive to challenge their students. We absolutely should. But real growth happens when students learn to navigate moments of boredom without resorting to disruptive behavior.

Education is a partnership between teachers, parents and students.

Let’s work together to teach our children that success comes not from constant entertainment but from perseverance, respect, and a love of learning.

Dear Parents, Being Bored is NOT an Excuse for Bad Behavior