Do you ever find yourself with a few minutes to kill at the end of the day or just before recess? Maybe your class has been working really hard and deserves a reward (that isn’t food.) Or maybe you just need to take a break from your regular routine and learn something new–something weird, funny, or even scary. It’s times like these that having a few fun facts up your sleeve can come in handy.
Next time you need a cool way to engage your class (while they learn something new) check out some of this entertaining information.
1. Funny names for animal groups
Did you know a group of pandas is called an embarrassment? A bunch of baboons is a congress. And many mice is a mischief. Some of these collective nouns are so funny, it’s hard to believe they’re real. But if you can’t trust the Farmer’s Almanac, who can you trust?
Click here for the funniest names for animal groups.
2. The strangest laws in the U.S.
I don’t know about y’all, but where I come from it is illegal to honk your horn near a sandwich shop after 9:00 p.m..
Check out these dumbest and strangest laws per state!
3. Scariest routes to school
Do your students complain about coming to school? Maybe they would appreciate their education a bit more if they had to risk their lives to get it. This video from the How to Survive series will make your kids think twice before complaining about a long bus ride.
Check out the video HERE.
4. Commonly misused words
If you teach older kids this list might have them “literally” dying of embarrassment.
Check out this list of commonly misused words
5. Hilarious church bulletin bloopers
These examples of miscommunication aren’t just funny, they are a great way to teach young writers about ambiguity and the importance of proofreading.
Check out these Hilarious church bulletin bloopers
6. The world’s most dangerous bridges
One would have to be very brave to cross any of these bridges. It took courage for me just to watch the video.
Watch here.
7. The world’s most venomous animals
You and your students might be shocked to discover how many of these deadly creatures are also super cute.
Read here.
8. Funniest town names
Ever been to Hot Coffee, Mississippi? Slickpoo, Idaho? How about Boring, Maryland? This list covers all 50 states, but if you teach younger students or if you are uncomfortable with snickers and knowing glances, you might type this list on a piece of paper and skip over Climax, Georgia, and Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
Read the full list here.
9. Fun facts about U.S. presidents
Admittedly, some of these facts are more fun than others. And while this list does include the fact that John Tyler had 15 children, it fails to mention that his youngest grandchild is still living, which is shocking since John Tyler was our 10th president.
Read all fun facts here.
10. The world’s weirdest-looking animals
Your kids will go ape for these bizarre-looking animals. And if you prefer a video, this is one of many great videos from the Nat Geo Awesome Animals Series.
Check out the full list here.
11. Weird facts about the human body
As if kids aren’t gross enough, after reading this they will be armed with such information as “we wee wee enough every month to fill a bathtub” and “we fart enough in one day to fill a party balloon.” Beware that this list might be an example of how a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Read all the facts here.
12. Cool stuff invented by kids
Earmuffs, Christmas lights, the trampoline–your aspiring inventors might just be inspired by what kids have done .
Check out the full list here!
13. The worst natural disasters in U.S. history
Ever hear of the Great Galveston Storm of 1900? Or the Peshtigo Fire? I bet your students haven’t either.
Read here.
14. Apex predators
Kids love all things deadly and dangerous. Actually, it’s probably more accurate to say they love to learn about all things deadly and dangerous.
Watch here.
15. Bizarre foods from around the world
And your class thinks the cafeteria food is yucky!
Watch the video here.
16. The most beautiful places in the world
Truly stunning images of some of the most naturally magnificent places on earth.
Watch the video here.
17. The worst shark attacks in history
There’s something about shark attacks that, although horrifying, is also fascinating. This list is detailed and gruesome–definitely not for younger students.
Watch video here.
18. Fun facts to know and share
This list is for kids who love to surprise and amaze the adults in their life with random, useless (albeit fascinating) information.
Read the full list here.
Kids love to learn anything that is fun, weird, or just plain out of the ordinary. So the next time you want to pass some time and keep your class learning, try a few of these fun facts.