Teachers aren’t in the profession for the gifts – often a hand drawn or handwritten note from a student or parent is all it takes to make a teacher feel appreciated. However, teachers don’t turn down gifts either! Don’t just pick up a random coffee mug with an apple on it, though. Put some thought into your gift and seek out something your child’s teacher will use. After all, there is a limit to how many coffee mugs and bottles of lotion a teacher can realistically use.
Here are a few gift ideas that will make any teacher feel special and appreciated.
1. Volunteer
Find out if your child’s teacher has a big project that needs to be cut, glued, or assembled. Take that job off the teacher’s plate by offering to do it for them. This might be one of the best gifts teachers ever receive!
2. Snacks or meals
Teachers are busy, and it can be hard to find time to take a break and eat something. Give your child’s teacher a basket full of snacks so they always have something on hand when they have a minute to rest and recharge. Even better – find out what their favorite snacks are and stock those. Another idea is to find out their favorite restaurant and have lunch or a sweet treat delivered to the school.
3. Coffee or tea
Bring your child’s teacher a mug of their favorite hot beverage or drop off a gift card for them to stop on their way to work for a tasty drink.
4. Gift cards
Speaking of gift cards, a card to a favorite restaurant or store is always a great gift idea for teachers.
5. Tickets to something fun
If your child’s teacher enjoys the movies or a show, gift them with tickets. Tickets to the Bored Teachers Comedy Tour might be just what your child’s teacher needs!
6. Classroom Materials
Teachers spend a lot of money on things for their classrooms, so you can ease that monetary burden by picking up a few things, such as dry-erase markers, paper, glue, and pencils. Another good idea is to purchase an activity or game that goes with something your child is learning. Teachers never turn down educational materials!
7. Plants
A potted plant is a welcome addition to any classroom. Place the plant in a pretty pot, and you have a great gift!
8. Personalized Stationery
Teachers go through a lot of paper and pencils! Gift them personalized stationery with their name on it. Add some fancy and colorful gel pens and you have a perfect present. A personalized rubber stamp or custom post-it notes are other fun additions to this gift.
9. T-shirts
There are so many companies that print unique teacher t-shirts. Seek out one that has a clever educational saying on it or have it personalized with your child’s teacher’s name or school. Your child’s teacher will love having a new t-shirt on the next dress-down day!
10. A new lunch bag
Most teachers pack their lunches but will often throw their food in a plain paper bag or reuse a plastic sack. Find a nice new lunch bag so your child’s teacher can pack their lunch in style.
11. Reusable cups and water bottles
Help your child’s teacher stay well-hydrated during the day with a reusable cup or water bottle. Some can be personalized with the teacher’s name or favorite color for extra flair.
12. Label or sticker maker
Teachers love to label and organize! Make that task easier by gifting your child’s teacher a personal label or sticker maker. Include the supplies necessary to make some labels.
13. A carry-all bag
Teachers carry a lot of things back and forth from home to school, so a large bag is a welcome gift idea. Find a high-quality, well-made bag that will last for many school years to come. Bonus points if you personalize the bag!
14. A journal or memory book
So many things happen in the classroom, and teachers really want to remember the funny and heart-warming ones. Gift your child’s teacher with a blank journal or memory book and some fancy pens to give them a place to keep their memories.
15. Anything handmade by students
The gifts that really remind teachers why they do what they do are handmade gifts from students. It doesn’t even matter what your child makes. The thought that goes into something for a teacher is gift enough – even if the finished product isn’t useable!
Ultimately, the best gift you can give your child’s teacher is one that comes from the heart. Teachers know which gifts are thought out and which are last-minute. Show your child’s teacher just how special and valuable they are with any of these great gift ideas.