In the following video, The Atlantic’s new animated series on parenting, Lythcott-Haims – author of How to Raise an Adult – explains the negative effects of helicopter parenting. As teachers, we deal with helicopter parents on a daily basis, and every year, there seems to be more and more of them. Even before the truth-revealing parent-teacher conference, we can tell what we’re in for from the behavior of our students.
“Initially, helicopter parenting appears to work,” says Julie Lythcott-Haims. “As a kid, you’re kept safe, you’re given direction, and you might get a better grade because the parent is arguing with the teacher.”
But ultimately, this style of parenting leads to “a young adult population who doesn’t know how to #adult.”
Watch the video below:
Are Helicopter Parents Ruining a Generation? from The Atlantic on Vimeo.