Special education and general education teachers are constantly searching for easier and faster ways to accurately monitor all of their students with IEPs. There are tons of great tools available that can make the process simple, fast, and data-driven. Data can be taken on checklists, apps, point sheets, graphs, and more. Start keeping your data organized, understandable, and ready for IEP meetings using these tracking tools!
Here are 15 of the best IEP monitoring tips and resources.
1. Create a checklist

Each checklist should include student classroom and testing accommodations, interventions, supports, service, and modifications. You can attach these checklists to lesson plans or provide it to a substitute teacher to ensure your students’ needs are always being met! Download a free printable at the link above.
2. Use Google Forms

Via: Positively Learning
If you want a digital way of tracking your students, try out a Google Form! These forms can track everything including assessments, accommodation usage, and services. Google Forms can be shared among teachers and parents to provide easy access to key data. Purchase a template 22 commonly used IEP monitoring forms at the link above for about the cost of a coffee.
3. Make visual cards to track every IEP goal

Via: Mrs. D’s Corner
These visual cards make it easy and quick to monitor IEP goals. Use a book ring to keep all your cards in order. Each month you can write in the student’s progress multiple times for each and every goal.
4. Keep track of students on a service log

Documenting IEP services is one of many teacher responsibilities. Using a service log, you can ensure that you are providing all of your students’ IEP services when they need to be done.
5. Create an IEP binder for each student to keep all of your data organized in one place

Via: Mrs. D’s Corner
Put all of your student data in one place with an IEP binder. You can create tabbed sections to track every piece of important data. These sections may include: progress monitoring, goals, benchmarks, behavior, services, and accommodations.
6. Graph all of your IEP data

Via: The Primary Gal
Parents appreciate seeing a graph to view the progress their child is making! You can even let kids be part of the process of coloring in their progress on a graph. You can also create an Excel sheet to digitally graph students’ IEP goal progress.
7. Keep behavior data on a frequency chart

Via: The Bender Bunch
Use a frequency chart to track specific targeted behaviors. These charts are easy to make and track. Simple mark the frequency of an individual behavior based on the quantity of occurrences on a single day.
8. Use self-monitoring tools

Via: The Autism Helper
Want to make it easier on yourself? Have students track themselves with these charts! These tools can monitor independent work and behavior. This can be a great way to motivate students while keeping data at the same time!
9. Track students using pre and post assessments

Via: Prekinders
Record student progress using pre and post-assessments. Every skill can be targeted using an assessment. By testing students before and after a skill is learned, you can easily demonstrate student progress or areas of additional need. Download a free printable at the link above.
10. Use a data tracking app to keep all your data digitally
Data tracking apps are an innovative method to IEP monitoring. They can easily be used to track goal progress and service monitoring. Here are some good options:
11. Track behavior data with an ABC (antecedent, behavior, consequence) chart

If you work with a child that has any behavior concerns, you have probably wondered why these behaviors are occurring. ABC charts can determine when the behavior happens, what the behavior looks like, and what is the consequence of a behavior. These charts can be a vital tool if you need to create a behavior plan.
12. Use an individual point sheet

Via: Flipping for First
A point sheet can be a fun way to motivate students and monitor their behavior goals. These should be focused on specific goals, such as raising their hand, staying seated, or following directions. You can send this home daily so parents can be involved and aware of their child’s behavior progress.
13. Create a Data Wall to visually see all of your student data

Via: What I Have Learned
Data walls are a visual way of tracking classroom data. You can use a data wall to set a class goal and motivate students to meet their goals every day!
14. Save time with shortcuts!

Via: Mrs. D’s Corner
When taking data, it’s important to include information on what level of support you are providing to your students. You can use shortcuts like “VP” for “Verbal Prompt” or “WA” for “With Assistance”. Use these simple abbreviations when tracking students to shorten the data you need to take.
15. Have a clipboard and a timer with you all the time to make keeping data easier!

Via: Mrs. D’s Corner
Always have your clipboard and timer with you! You never know where and when you will need to track behavior data. Use a clipboard so it’s easy to write anywhere you are and the timer will help monitor the duration of a behavior.
When you have IEP meetings with parents, be prepared by having specific and individualized data on every student. Use a Google form, an app, or a graph to make tracking your students’ IEP progress simple and fast!