1. And Earth is the best planet in the world…

sign that says via onsizzle

By those standards, you’re not wrong!

2. Endangered bald parrots.

image of bald eagle and american flag with caption that reads: via pophangover

Yo, that parrot is creepy AF! Why is it on that flag???

3. What to do without spell check!

sign hanging on house porch that says via pophangover

If you’ve left your parents’ house and pay your own bills then this holiday is for you!

4. Remember…

Facebook status screenshot via pophangover

Shortly thereafter, Odysseus and Jesus signed the Treaty of Versailles, and that is why we celebrate today!

5. No comment.

screenshot via Pinterest

If only we could form a contented congress again. Those were magical times, but unfortunately, those virgin singers are still dead.

6. President “Imeges” on the dollar bill.

home question: via me.me

You see kids, sometimes Google doesn’t work!

7. Hmm…

facebook status: via me.me

You’ve come a long way! A lot longer than we originally thought!

8. Math is important.

screenshot of news showing an american flag with 61 starsvia EliteDaily

The extra eleven is for good luck!

9. Intelligent idea…

facebook status: via Facebook

And I need the next day off to nurse my hangover! It should always be a Saturday!

10. Keep it real C-money!

tweet: via Twitter

Yo when he created dat joint, it was lit!

11. Someone fell asleep in American History class…

clip of newspaper, photo of kid with caption via randomoverload

Wrong imperialist nation Tanner! Not a bad guess though.

12. Not false.

test question: via Pinterest


13. And I hate Mondays so…

Facebook status: via carbonated.tv

Then it must be the 3rd!

14. Free taxi rides and dangerous tea, yup…

homework assignment answer: via Pinterest

I would start a war too if people put tacks in my tea! That’s messed up! And if I got free taxi rides out of it, win-win!

15. Faith in the future of humanity = 0

facebook status: via carbonated.tv



15 Independence Day Fails That Will Make All Teachers Cry feature image

Jane Morris_author photoThis article was written by Jane Morris — author of the bestselling book: Teacher Misery. Connect with her on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr.