The transition a student makes when they transfer from the safety of high school and living at home into college and increased independence is dramatic. College is also a time when many people make friends they’ll have for life, or they may make connections with others who are interested in the same career fields as they are. Utilizing questions of the day in your college classroom will help these young adults bond with each other as well as really engage with your subject matter.
Questions are particularly useful when you’re just starting a new college class, but daily questions can also add a lot to any course. Here are some thought-provoking questions for college students to get you started.
Character and Behavior
- How can you show my professors that you are responsible?
- What makes a good roommate?
- What habits and behaviors will help me be successful in college?
- Why is it important to speak up in class?
- What high school behaviors are unacceptable in college classes?
- How can early morning classes make you a better person?
- How do you respond to failure?
- What has been your most embarrassing moment and what did you learn from it?
- What do you want your professors to remember about you?
- If you had a personal slogan, what would it be?
Would You Rather?
- Would you rather have an early class or a night class?
- Would you rather live by yourself in an apartment or with friends in a dorm?
- Would you rather play a college sport or join a sorority/fraternity?
- Would you rather have a window or aisle seat on an airplane?
- Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or go back in time?
- Would you rather take a road trip across the country or a boat trip around the world?
- Would you rather write a 100-page thesis or give a 100-minute speech?
- Would you rather go to the movie theater or binge watch a TV show at home?
- Would you rather become famous or meet someone famous?
- Would you rather graduate early and jumpstart your career or take your time to get your degree and have fun with your friends?
- What is your favorite place on campus?
- What is do you miss most about being home?
- What is your favorite thing to dream about?
- What is your favorite way to spend a day with no classes?
- What is your favorite genre of music?
- What is your favorite thing to order at a coffee shop?
- Who is your favorite family member?
- What are your favorite toppings for late night pizza?
- What is your favorite memory?
- What is your favorite game?
Free Time/Hobbies
- What elective classes are your favorites?
- What do you read for enjoyment?
- If you had a free day off, what would you do first?
- What do you know so much about that you would be considered an expert?
- What stores do you like to shop at?
- What is something you were surprised to enjoy?
- What is something you really want to do someday?
- What is something your friends would have to convince you to do?
- What is something you are really good at making?
- What do miss most when you’re busy?
- What are the best snacks to eat when you’re studying?
- What is the worst food you’ve ever tried?
- What meal do you miss the most from home?
- What do you have in your refrigerator right now?
- What treat do you look forward to?
- What food would you sneak into the classroom if you could?
- If you were invited to a group meal, what would you bring?
- What is your favorite late-night meal?
- What foods would you love to learn how to make?
- What is the best meal that you’ve ever had?
- What is your dream career?
- Do you think you’ll ever change your major?
- What are your thoughts on graduate school?
- If you could design your own degree program, what classes would it include?
- Do you think you’ll move back home after graduation?
- How do you want to change the world?
- What will your life look like in ten years?
- Are marriage and a family in your long-term plans?
- What are you saving money for?
- How will you celebrate your college graduation?
Have You Ever?
- Have you ever loved a book or movie so much that you were sad when it was over?
- Have you ever travelled overseas?
- Have you ever gone on vacation by yourself?
- Have you ever forgotten something important?
- Have you ever lost something that didn’t belong to you?
- Have you ever been in a car accident?
- Have you ever had a pet?
- Have you ever bought something that you regret now?
- Have you ever heard something so moving that it made you cry?
- Have you ever survived something dangerous?
Use Your Imagination
- What would you do if you were the richest person on earth?
- What fictional creature would make the best friend?
- What make believe place would you most like to live in?
- What fairytale would you most like to be a part of?
- Would you rather meet a princess or a villain?
- What superhero are you the most like?
- What is your favorite fantasy novel and why?
- If you could change any fictional character, what changes would you make?
- Is magic real?
- What would the best superpower be?
- What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
- What makes a good person?
- What is the biggest problem facing humans right now?
- What parts of your future are you most excited about?
- What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?
- If you could be famous, what would you be famous for?
- What would you do first if you became president?
- What song describes you the best?
- Have you ever read a book that changed your life?
- What have your grandparents taught you?
Just for Fun
- If your house caught on fire, what is one thing you would save?
- What is your first memory?
- What restaurant do you eat at way too often?
- Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?
- What was your favorite toy as a child?
- What do you pretend to hate but secretly love?
- What is your funniest “first world problem?”
- What is a word that you love?
- Who do you think has been the best US president?
- If you could instantly learn another language without studying, which language would you choose?
While college is a time for students to be challenged and become professionals, asking fun, thought-provoking questions can provide engagement and improve relationships with professors. Use these college student focused questions to make students think or even to add a bit of entertainment to class.
Also check out these questions of the day for high school students!