It’s not easy being a special education teacher, so let’s take a look at some fun shirts that will make you laugh, smile, and remind yourself of why you do what you do. From making visuals, creating first/then boards, writing IEPs, taking loads of data, and so much more, you are ALWAYS busy! Show the world who you are and what you do every day with one of these clever special education teacher t-shirts.

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Check out these 25 special education teacher t-shirts:

1. Abilities outweigh disabilities

Abilities Outweigh Disabilities Shirt

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Show your students that it’s what they can do that count, not what they can’t do. Every kid has strengths that will make them shine!

2. Every child can learn, just not in the same way

Every child can learn just not in the same way

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All kids can learn and it’s okay to do it differently.

3. SPED Squad

Sped Squad shirt

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Put on display your sped team spirit with this shirt. Teachers, paraprofessionals, therapists and so many more people make up special education teams that make the difference in children’s lives!

4. IEP: I Encourage Progress

IEP shirt

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This hoodie is the real meaning of an IEP. Progress doesn’t mean perfection, but it does show how much you are learning!

5. See the able not the label

See the able not the label shirt

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Model to your students that it doesn’t matter what label they have, but what they are able to do!

6. Why fit in when you were born to stand out

Born to stand out shirt

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Dr. Seuss says it best on this shirt! Standing out can be a lot more fun than just fitting in.

7. If they can’t learn the way we teach, we tech the way they learn

If they can't learn the way we teach

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Special ed teachers are pros at differentiating instruction. Teaching to your students’ needs is special education!

8. Alexa, write my IEP

 Write my IEP shirt

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Writing IEPs can be time-consuming and force teachers to work at night and on the weekends. Wouldn’t it be nice if Alexa could help out with a few? Here’s a bonus matching mask to complement your new shirt:

Write my IEP mask

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9. SPED I’ll be there for you

Special Education team Psychology Shirt Gift for image 0

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A classic shirt from a classic show–Friends! Show your students that you will always be there for them!

10. I love coffee and inclusion

I love coffee and inclusion image 0

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We’ve been fighting for a long time for inclusion so our students can be a part of all aspects of school and society. But don’t forget the caffeine when you are fighting for inclusion!

11. It’s all fun and games until someone figures out the function of your behavior

It's All Fun and Games Mint

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It’s not always simple, but you know you’ve been working hard to find the function of that one kid’s behavior that’s been keeping you up at night.

12. If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart

Full Hands Full Heart Shirt

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You look busy all the time, but it’s all because of your heart for your students!

13. Laminate all the things

Laminate All the Things Parapro Shirt BCBA Heather Royal Blue

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How many hours do you spend laminating visuals and behavior charts? This shirt is perfect for all of you laminator lovers!

14. No challenge too large, no victory too small

SPED Shirt Special Education Shirt Special Education Charity Pink

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15. I became a special ed teacher for the fame and money

Special Education Teacher Shirt / Tank Top / Hoodie  SPED image 0

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That’s right! Don’t forget to wear your disguise from the paparazzi waiting outside your school.

16. First coffee, then work

Behavior Analyst Shirt BCBA gifts Behavior Analysis image 4

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Practice what you teach. Your students learn best with a “first, then” board, and so can you!

17. Life happens, visuals help

Life Happens Visuals Help image 0

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Visuals can be a difference maker in and out of school for so many of your students.

18. Collecting data is my cardio

Data is my cardio shirt

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Considering going to the gym? Think again! Just run around collecting all sorts of data every day and you will be in the best shape of your life!

19. Sorry, I can’t. IEPs are due

  IEPs due image 0

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Bet you’ve said this a few times over the years. They always seem to be due at the worst times!

20. We all grow at different rates

Long Sleeve Teacher Shirts  We All Grow At Different Rates  image 0

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This shirt’s message could not be truer! Your students all learn at their own pace when they are ready.

21. Being a special education teacher is a walk in the park. Jurassic park

Special Education Gift  image 0

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Sounds easy, right? Just walk right on past the hungry T-rex while the a flock of Pterodactyls fly overhead. Don’t forget to take behavior and academic data and write 12 IEPs while you hide out from the dinosaurs!

22. You don’t scare me I’m a special education teacher. I have heard it, seen it, and written a goal for it

Written a goal for it shirt

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Every kid needs to know who is in charge! We’ve seen it all and can deal with almost anything that comes our way.

23. Only a special education teacher can hear what a child cannot say

 Autism Awareness Shirt SPED image 0

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If you teach kids who are nonverbal then this is the shirt for you! Sped teachers have a special ability to understand students with or without words.

24. Autism awareness- Love, support, educate

Love, support, educate shirt

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Show your love for kids with Aatism with this shirt. It’s a great way to spread awareness!

25. Be kind

Be kind ASL shirt

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This shirt is great for those of you who teach sign language to your students. It’s a great reminder to be kind to one another while throwing in a bit of practice with ASL letters!

Special education teachers are part of a unique and hard-working group of educators that deserve to stand out! Pick out one of these fun special education teacher t-shirts for a good laugh or to show how much you care about all of your students.

Awesome T-Shirts