T.G.I.F. – Teachers Grateful It’s Friday!
1. You wake up a little happier than on any other day of the week.
2. You drink a little more coffee than on any other day of the week
3. Getting ready for work is a little easier than on any other day.
4. You’re determined to get the day started and over with quickly.
5. Deep breaths… One more day… One more day…
6. You have to deal with students tired of learning for the week.
7. And you’re not in the mood to listen to their excuses.
8. But the frustration builds up and you eventually snap…
9. Finally, the last bell rings, and you feel like cheering…
10. …waving goodbye to your kids “See ya Monday!”…
11. …and going home as soon as they do.
12. But the reality is… You still have that mandatory staff meeting…
13. …all that data to analyze and input…
14. …and all those papers to finish grading!
15. But then you remember you don’t have to set an alarm tonight…
16. And you can finally enjoy a glass or two…
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