Every year, teaching in December is a challenge. The stretch of 3 weeks between the return from Thanksgiving break and beloved winter break seems to last an eternity. Students are off the walls, distractions are at an all time high, teachers are flat out exhausted, and nothing seems to be going right. If you’ve ever seen the Netflix hit series The Good Place, there’s actually a lot in common with teaching in December. These 30 gifs are proof!

1. Trying to motivate yourself to make it through the next few weeks before winter break…

2. What your classroom feels like in December…

3. When admin constantly changes the schedule and your lesson plans need to be changed all the time…

4. What your class list looks like by this point in the year…

5. When parents start losing it in the drop-off line…

6. Trying to keep the kids engaged during your lessons…

7. When all the technology in your classroom decides to stop cooperating at the same time and it feels like the end of the world…

8. When you try to fix the technology yourself…

9. Prepping your worst-behaved students when you know admin is coming to observe your class…

10. When everything seems like it’s falling apart but a struggling student has an “aha” moment and it all suddenly feels worth it again…

11. When you stay late afterschool to catch up on some stuff and admin asks you to do something…

12. When students come back from the Thanksgiving break and have forgotten everything you taught them so far this year…

13. When you check in on your teacher friends to see how they’re holding up…

14. When your students come asking for extra credit after not doing any assignments since September…

15. When you hear there’s cake in the staff room

16. When your entire class is finally on task, and there’s an impromptu social distancing fire drill…

17. What discussing current events in class sounds like…

18. What reading emails from parents feels like…

19. What classroom management looks like the week before break…

20. When you’re having a tough day and you pass by your principal in the hallway…

21. How you react when admin hands out a laundry list of PD to “help teachers learn about self-care”…

22. When someone reminds you how many days are left until winter break…

23. What you tell yourself when you look in the mirror every morning before school…

24. When you get home and your partner asks you how your day went during the week before break…

25. When a friend asks you what you did over the weekend…

Teaching in December: As Told By The TV Series The Good Place