Online teaching has quickly become most teachers’ new normal, filled with countless Zoom meetings, tech tools, and professional attire from the waist up. Here is the Tiger King himself, Joe Exotic, and a few of his favorite friends/sworn enemies to explain how we are all currently feeling about e-learning.
1. Every time you greet your class during a live session…
2. Every time you see your students on the screen but remember that you won’t be able to physically reunite with them for the foreseeable future…
3. When you’ve started to show up to meetings in your pajamas…
4. When your students post an inappropriate comment on Google Classroom and tell you it wasn’t them…
5. When you have to post a video for your students, but you try to switch up your background location …
6. When some of your teacher co-workers join Zoom meetings and don’t realize how close they are to the camera…
7. When your principal first introduced online teaching and tried, desperately, to put a positive spin on it…
8. When you try some type of new tech tool but it fails miserably in front of your entire class…
9. When a parent keeps emailing you about any and everything under the sun…
10. When your own children eat all of the food left in the house while you’re virtual teaching…
11. When administration promises that they won’t add anything else to your plate in the coming weeks…
12. When you realize that all of your resources are just coming from other teachers’ brilliant minds on TPT…
13. When people ask me if I’m enjoying teaching in my pajamas…
14. When you see some teachers on Instagram just killin’ the online teaching game…
15. When you are finally able to step away from the computer, but then you realize you have nothing to do…
16. When you finally figure out how to change your background of a Zoom meeting and you can’t wait to try it out…
17. When you try recording videos for your students but you keep making the same mistakes and you realize you sound like you have no clue what you’re doing…
18. When you are live teaching, but then your own kid decides they need your attention RIGHT. THIS. SECOND…
19. When a student starts misbehaving and you need to use your “teacher look”…
20. When you continue to do your job, even though it feels like the end of the world is upon us…
21. When you put on your fanciest pajamas for the Zoom staff meeting…
22. When admin wants to open up the Zoom meeting with an ice breaker…
23. When you think about that one parent who always says, “Well, he never does that at home!”…
24. When your non-teacher friends ask how the transition from regular teaching to virtual teaching went…
25. When all of your technology suddenly stops working and that thing you have been working on for hours didn’t get saved…
26. When everyone on the internet starts posting about how teachers need to be paid more ASAP…
27. When your principal tries to break the ice by putting a funny background on his Zoom screen…
28. When someone asks how you are handling teaching online and teaching your own kids at the same time…
29. When a parent calls asking if they can just send their child to your house for extra help…
30. When your school first started talking about remote learning months ago…
Also read:
- The Life of a Teacher: As Told By The Office
- A Day In The Life of a Virtual Teacher: The Struggle is Still Real
- The Life of a Teacher: As Told By the TV Show Friends
- The Life of a Teacher: As Told By The Bachelor
- A Teacher’s Hilarious 10-Day Journal During the Quarantine