Kick your feet up and get ready for a killer ab workout teachers because we just put together the 100 most hilarious Bored Teachers memes. We could all use a good belly laugh around this time of year!
1. Kids…

2. 100% accurate.

3. Am I the only one who remembers Pinky and the Brain?

4. This is my life.

5. Yup.

6. Some days, it really feels like it.

7. Classroom goals vs. reality.

8. What to do, what to do?

9. Me too, class. Me too.

10. Seriously though.

11. That’s about it!

12. Sad truth.

13. It’s real.

14. They will always be my kids.

15. Like, why?

16. Energy low, please caffeinate.

17. Basically the same outcome.

18. 10% is generous.

19. Be like Jell-o.

20. No truer words have ever been spoken.

21. Unless you’re a big fan of counting, non-stop, all day.

22. Mission accomplished. ?

23. Daily thoughts…

24. …every period.

25. Don’t try to be perfect, just be you.

26. Deep breaths.

27. Bruh!

28. Or behind cars in the parking lot. ?

29. Sad truth.

30. Sorry! ?

31. Today was one of those days.

32. Accurate.

33. Oh boy…

34. For sure!

35. Asking for a friend.

36. Back in the day…

37. Amen!

38. My life.

39. My week, in a nutshell.

40. How students’ brains translate instructions.

41. This is how you quiet down a rowdy class…

42. Truth.

43. What teaching during the holiday season feels like.

44. Is that too much?

45. It’s all about those moments!

46. Amen.

47. I’ve seen where those hands go!

48. The accuracy!

49. You do you!

50. Of course not!

51. Monday mood.

52. In a perfect world…

53. Accurate

54. News flash.

55. And we wonder why there’s a teacher shortage…

56. Literally.

57. The struggle is real.

58. Definitely the assignment…

59. Accurate.

60. Dreamworld.

61. One day.

62. No shame in my game. ?

63. Confession…

64. True.

65. Teacher brain.

66. The “Aha” moments!

67. True life.

68. Truth

69. Can’t say it’s not an entertaining job!

70. All day, every day.

71. Just don’t.

72. Stop the madness.

73. It is a daily struggle.

74. Send help!

75. Netflix and recharge.

76. Real talk.

77. Analogy on point.

78. Teacher life.

79. Can’t top that feeling!

80. No joke.

81. Legit.

82. Monday mood.

83. So…. no, not really.

84. #TeacherLife

85. Don’t ask…

86. Words from a seasoned vet.

87. Funny but not funny.

89. The similarities are uncanny!

90. Houston, we have a problem.

91. Like no teacher ever.

92. Feeling old…

93. Yeah, you. You know who you are.

94. We’re all in the same boat!

95. HA! Not even close. ?

96. Brilliant

97. Teacher strong.

98. Sincerely, experienced teachers everywhere.

99. Patience of a saint.

100. You can run, but you can’t hide.

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