We asked teachers in the Bored Teachers community to tell us how they work with kids without telling us they work with kids. The answers were hilarious! Working with kids is definitely a unique career path! It can be bizarre, challenging, rewarding, frustrating, and heartwarming – sometimes all at the same time!
Ways to say you work with kids… without actually saying you work with kids:

1. You wear leggings and tennis shoes under dresses.
Just in case you need to crawl or run.
2. You get called mom or dad almost every day… whether you’re a parent or not.
You’re so used to it you even look around when someone is bellowing for a parent in public in case they’re calling you.
3. You regularly remind people they need to be fully dressed before joining the group.
Sorry, dudes, pants are required.
4. Frequent discussions include, “Would you rather be a unicorn or a truck for a week?”
Unicorn, obviously.
5. When you do the laundry you find at least four random objects in your pockets.
Most don’t belong to you.
6. You tell people to use their walking feet and inside voices.
And feel justified in doing it.
7. You’ve had someone else’s hands in your mouth and nose.
Yes, it’s as gross as it sounds.
8. Everyone thinks you collect apple items.
You don’t. At least not by choice.
9. You give the same directions over and over only to hear, “What are we supposed to do?”
And somehow you manage to keep your cool.
10. You frequently encounter wet items… that shouldn’t be wet.
It’s often shoe laces.
11. Your friends and family are sick of you telling them, “that’s not safe” and “make good choices.”
But if they’d just make safe, solid choices you wouldn’t have to say it.
12. You never let yourself indulge in bottomless mimosas at brunch because you’re afraid of who will see you.
Unless you’re far, far from home…and wearing giant sunglasses.
13. Your cabinets are filled with dozens of gifted mugs.
And you can tell a story about the person who gave you each one.
14. You wore a dress with candy canes at Christmas and were licked three times.
Personal space, please.
15. You can tell it’s a full moon without looking at the calendar.
The worst is when it’s combined with a time change or Halloween.
16. You work in a place with more germs than the CDC building contains.
And that’s when there isn’t a pandemic.
17. Washing paint, glue, and glitter out of your hair is just part of your hygiene routine.
Sometimes you go out after work and wonder why everyone is staring, then later realize you had stickers on your forehead.
18. Being able to pee takes planning.
And coordinating with multiple people.
19. You carried hand sanitizer and washed your hands a million times a day before it was cool.
You had multiple songs at the ready to sing for 20 seconds, too.
20. Your lunch break is only 20 minutes.
If you’re lucky.
21. You bribe people with dinosaur stickers.
And it usually works!
22. Your personal mantra is, “hocus pocus, let’s focus.”
Name a better mantra. I’ll wait.
23. Your glare is terrifying.
Even with a mask on.
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