These daily check-ins are a great way for your to subtly check in with your students. Doing check-ins also provide a safe place for your students to share how they are doing with you!

There are a few different ways you can use these check-ins:

  1. Keep a stack of these at your desk or in a designated spot in your classroom for your students to take them as they need. Make sure to also have a safe place for them to turn it in to you!
  2. Use this as your daily morning work! It’s a great way for your students to start the day and also take time to reflect on where they are starting the day.
  3. Have a quote of the day or week for your students to reflect on daily or weekly.

Whatever way you decide to use these in your classroom, you should know how important it is to prioritize mental health safely in your classroom!

You’re doing good things!