Teaching high school is no joke. You’re basically face-to-face with scores of almost fully-formed adults. There’s a lot you need to do to survive a day with them. Here’s our list of 54 items that will be on your to-do list when you start teaching high school.
- Punch your alarm clock the second it goes off.
- Contemplate your existence.
- Drink coffee.
- Drag yourself and your two suitcases full of still ungraded papers to the car.
- Realize the only creatures alive at this hour are people heading to high school and bats.
- Prepare your classroom for the start of another day.
- Put a witty quote on your board that only you and about five students will find amusing.
- Put today’s agenda on the board, and upload it to your online classroom, understanding that no one will read it in either location.
- Check your email and respond to as many “Why is my child failing?” messages as possible.
- Get in line for the bathroom since you won’t get another chance at using it for four hours.
- Whisper a positive affirmation to yourself like, “Today will be a good day… as long as everyone leaves me alone.”
- Clench your entire body as the first bell rings for the day.
- Take attendance first period and wonder where half of your class is.
- Answer your door 17 times in the next 5 minutes as all of your missing students miraculously show up late and without a pass.
- Gaze out upon your first period class which is mostly asleep and attempt to get your lesson started.
- Realize it’s a futile attempt and simply marvel at their ability to nap in those uncomfortable seats.
- In between classes, go out into the hall and break up that one couple that always makes out outside your classroom.
- At the start of the next period, separate the two students who started dating in your class and are now making out inside your classroom.
- Attempt to decipher what a student meant when they told you that your fit is “Skibbidi Ohio, no cap.”
- Spend the next 10 minutes Googling “cool clothes for teachers” once you figure out what the student meant.
- Remind students that, yes, this assignment is going to be graded and, yes, it will be put in the gradebook… just like all the others.
- Stifle your laughter when a student with a 19% in your class asks if there’s anything they can do to raise their grade to a B by the end of the week.
- Let a student know that their outfit of “bikini top and hot pants” is not dress code compliant, even though you have 1 million more important things to do.
- Re-separate the couple that you had to move apart at the beginning of your class because they’re snuggling next to each other again somehow.
- Confiscate a student’s cell phone.
- Wonder silently to yourself how a 16-year old with no source of income has a much nicer phone than yours.
- Interject current slang into your lesson.
- Try not to be offended by the looks your students give you when you fail horribly.
- Listen carefully to that one student who loves to gossip about the other kids. This will be the high point of your day.
- Try not to let on to other students that you now know all the hot gossip about them.
- Attempt to somehow connect your lesson to something current the students would find interesting.
- Curse the fact that your students apparently don’t find anything interesting.
- In between periods, break up that couple that makes out in front of your classroom again.
- Console a student that has come to you in tears because, “Today is the worst day ever!”
- Attempt to comfort them by assuring them that not scoring Taylor Swift tickets is not the worst thing that can ever happen to them.
- Answer your ringing phone mid lesson and send the appropriate student to the office.
- Remind your students coming from gym that deodorant exists.
- Answer a knock on your door from the student you sent to the office because the office asked for the wrong student.
- Answer your ringing phone again and send what you hope is the correct student to the office this time.
- Try to dispel the latest TikTok misinformation that contradicts your lesson.
- Wonder out loud how all your students have committed everything on TikTok to memory but somehow retain nothing you’ve taught them all year.
- Spend your 20-minute lunch break simultaneously peeing, eating lunch and grading 300 papers.
- Rediscover your now ice-cold coffee and chug what’s left hoping it gives you enough energy to get through the day.
- Explain to a student that turning in work from two quarters ago is a lovely gesture but the deadline has passed.
- Nod understandingly at a student as they spin the most incredible story explaining why they’re not prepared for class today.
- Spend your planning period trying to eat the lunch you forgot to eat, pee (finally) and grade 300 papers.
- Shove the 280 remaining papers you didn’t grade into your bag to take home with you.
- Celebrate just as hard as the students when the final bell rings for the day.
- Meet your high school teaching buddies in the hallway to gab like veterans swapping war stories.
- Drag your tired body (and those 280 ungraded papers) back to your car.
- Ignore your paperwork in favor of spending time with your family.
- Realize that spending time with your family means doing a load of laundry, cooking dinner and emptying the dishwasher.
- Crawl into bed next to a stack of ungraded papers and as you fall asleep, try to assemble a lesson plan in your head that would work for tomorrow.
- Fall asleep before any lessons are assembled.
With these simple steps, you will be an expert at teaching high school in no time.